Naturalistic Planting and Landscape, Great Oxendon, Northamptonshire, UK
Naturalistic planting and landscape for a large 10-acre site, wildlife-friendly landscape design with pond and meadows
A naturalistic planting and landscape to sit within the surrounding environment. The old farmhouse and existing garden is to be joined to the new 10-acre garden through the use of meandering pathways, meadows, copse, vegetable garden and outbuildings. Currently two fields on top of a windswept hill with stunning views across the Northamptonshire landscape, the new garden is a project to be undertaken over several years. To stop neighbouring cattle, an extremely long natural Ha-Ha is constructed around the site, while new planting is inspired by the local flora, creating a sense of place and space. The house sits a far distance away from the valley so the design incorporates hardstanding pathways, which when viewed from the house merge seamlessly into the landscape. A paddock and spare paddock are incorporated and in close proximity to the existing barns and stable. A natural reed filtration system, leads off a cess-pit, which is hidden from view, while still allowing access for routine maintenance. At the bottom of the valley, a natural swimming pool is built with an additional natural reed filtration system. A large deck surrounds the pool while hummocks of planting in bold swathes lead the eye down and across the landscape beyond.