Naturalistic Landscape, Driffield, East Yorkshire, UK
Naturalistic landscape to sit within beautiful surrounding farmland and landscape beyond
This is a really exciting opportunity to work with Clients to create a naturalistic landscape, who are passionate about where they live in east Yorkshire and who have a love for native plants. The initial phase is a 10-acre garden which includes wild, native meadows, a lake / natural swimming pool, copses of silver birches and additional wooded areas with British native trees. As this is still a working farm, the garden needs to allow for heavy machinery to pass through it, as well as members of staff, who will be sited in the new offices (converted stables), but in keeping with the environment. Closer to the house a new productive garden is designed, with cottage garden plants and a more formal area as you reach the end of the lane. Being an exposed Yorkshire site, selection of materials and plants for such an open aspect is a delight to do. Taking inspiration from the local Yorkshire flora, river and river banks a naturalistic planting scheme gives colour for 12 months of the year, while newly planted trees will establish in time to merge with the landscape beyond. Being close to the sea, as well, careful consideration is also given when it comes to choosing plants – ‘right plant, right place’. The garden is also brought to life at night with lighting, especially to light up the facades of the beautiful local brick farm buildings. Attracting wildlife to the garden is a must, in particular bees, butterflies, hover flies, bats, birds and aquatic mammals.