Inclusive Adventure Park, Ireland
Inclusive adventure park rich in biodiversity and sustainability
A large inclusive adventure park in a rural environment, which will have a communal teaching and learning hub with accommodation pods dotted throughout the woodlands and meadows. Pathways and cycle tracks link all of the areas together. Luxury living pods will be in keeping with the rural environment and some will offer spectacular views across the valley. The pods will create the indoor-outdoor feel, and will all be private and secluded from each other. Larger pods will be available for groups and parties. An enchanted wood planted with over 500 trees is at the heart of the site. Five independent zones: Adventure; Music; Horticulture; Sensory; and Equine will provide accessible facilities for all disabilities.
An additional 400 trees will be planted in this inclusive adventure park and 5 acres of wildflower meadows will be sown, while a further 20 acres of parkland will be planted to drift easily into the landscape beyond. Nature and wildlife are at the heart of this inclusive adventure park providing a rich biodiverse and sustainable environment. It will sit within the larger environment and blend harmoniously with the surrounding flora.
Areas for respite will also be provided the inclusive adventure park so that family members, carers and friends can stay alongside the client. Quiet places, relaxation zones, meditation areas and help and advice will support family and carers during their time here. Full social and therapeutic horticulture (STH) services will be provided, as will equine therapy and music therapy.
This is a rare opportunity to design and create a fully inclusive adventure park template that can be re-used, adapted and re-jigged for additional sites. This requires long-term planning and consideration when it comes to designing each zone and the entire site using a holistic approach.